Always using the best ingredients, Redford Trading Co., markets a variety of raw food materials and related supplies, with a specialization in baking. Founded in June, 2016 by the founders of Helixing LLC. of Wuhan, China.
Helixing LLC. of Wuhan, China, our mother company, was established in October, 1992 and was specialized in both wholesales and retailing of raw food materials includes rice, oil, essential ingredients of bread and cake, and more. Throughout the years, we have established several sister companies and brands that focus on more specific aspects of food and bakery products, and we also run a training school that prepares talented ones to enter the promising field of baking.
We are wholesaler, retailer, and services provider. Dedicated to the field of baking, our slogan is "Good ingredients, Good technology, and Good food". With our full dedication and extensive experience in the field of baking, we are capable to help you doing better whether you are new to the field or already in the business for years.
Need to buy organic, natural, and healthy ingredients and the best supplies for a good value? Need some boost for your own bakery or stores? We are here for you!
Redford Trading Co. (瑞德福贸易公司)于2016年6月成立于美国加州洛杉矶县,是由中国武汉和力兴商号的创始人投资创办。和力兴商号创立于1992年10月,最初以粮油零售及批发为主,兼营面包及蛋糕原材料。1997年更全名为武汉和力兴食品原料公司,2000年,武汉和力兴原料公司创办了武汉和力旺烘焙技术学校,为烘焙行业培训技工,推介新产品和新技术。2002年8月武汉和力兴经贸有限公司成立,和力兴的业务重心转向烘焙材料方面。2003年3月和力旺烘焙技术学校与武汉商院食品工程系联合办武汉商院和力兴烘焙中心。2004年武汉和力兴食品公司更名为:武汉市兴源食品公司,该公司生产和销售食品原料。武汉和力兴经贸公司承接了和力兴原料公司的烘焙材料经营业务,并不断地开拓发展业务。武汉和力兴经贸有限公司代理了中国烘焙原料行业众多知名品牌,是华中地区麦当劳,肯德基,仟吉,皇冠等面包工厂的供应商;2015年11月武汉瑞德福咨询服务公司成立,为烘焙业及家庭客户服务。我们致力于有机、天然、健康安全的食材的传递服务。敬天爱人,与人为善——我们的使命是让人们吃得越来越健康!我们的愿景:成为健康养生的专家团队。瑞德福的理念是:好材料,好技术,好产品!